Friday, August 29, 2008
Healthy Cooking Show on Interactive Web TV
1st show: I will show you how to make Chinese string beans with black bean sauce and rice. It tastes great & can be vegan.
2nd show: Tofu with shitake mushrooms & rice
3rd show: Udon noodles with teriyaki chicken & veggies
4th show: Miso soup, chicken & rice
5th show: Steamed chicken with ginger & shitake mushrooms
6th show: Teriyaki salmon & rice
It's Asian themed, not just Chinese. Rhonda Weidelman, MA, RD will explain the benefits of the main ingredients while Marc Ryan, L.Ac., Dipl. CH. Dipl. NBAO will tell you how they help balance the chi (energy).
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Healthy Eating Habits
I love to graze throughout the day. Here's why:
"Grazing works because of what and when you eat". I like to munch on organic, whole grain cereal and walnuts. I love to eat tofu and salads. I use a homemade balsamic vinegar olive oil or a white vinegar sesame oil salad dressing.
I eat 5 mini-meals instead of the standard 3-meal a day. "According to nutritionists, grazing is a common, natural habit that is (healthier). Grazing keeps your body fueled with nutrients which leads to better mental & physical performance, a brighter mood and less fatigue. What's more, the right balance of complex carbs, good protein and oils can stablize your metabolism". Anthony Head wrote in Optimal Wellness, Sep/Oct 2008.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Weekend Recap
Friday, August 22, 2008
Cooking Demo at Whole Foods
I am seeking Corporate Sponsors for my upcoming healthy cooking demos, cooking classes, recipe exchange, e-cookbook and cooking show. I will be attending Slow Food Nation Taste Pavilion in San Francisco on Labor Day weekend. Join the Slow Food movement at
Slow Food L.A. member
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Discovery's Planet Green
I am seeking Corporate Sponsors for our upcoming healthy cooking demos, cooking classes, recipe exchange, e-cookbook and cooking show using mostly local, seasonal produce.
Ingrid Cheng
Founder of Holisitic Health Club
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Holistic Health Retreat was Great!
Ingrid Cheng
Friday, August 15, 2008
Green Business
AES has extensive experiences and expertise with rebate programs to help you save money by tailoring rebate programs to meet your needs. I wonder if they'll sponsor my cooking show on Green Health Live TV?
Ingrid Cheng
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Green Business of the Year

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Technology for Good
Did you know that there are 270 million mobile phone subscribers and mobile video is a staple of Korean and Japanese commuters who take mass transit everyday? That smart phones have the processing power of a 14 month-old PC? That word of mouth or one-on-one marketing is most effective in reaching people? That online communities like Facebook, MySpace and Meetup are transforming the way we interact with each other? That 55% of mobile gamers are women who like puzzle games?
"Online ads should bring a strong call to action and excitement. Podcasts, video streaming, photo galleries are ways to promote your business to 3G (the 3rd generation)". Ralph Simon said. I still don't know what SKUs for CCSR means.
I also joined Jason's Network (free to join) and love the idea of "World's Most Beautiful Video and Pic Contests." For more information, go to the websites below.
Ingrid Cheng
Monday, August 11, 2008
Healing Ourselves
Marina Rose, Theta Healing Teacher, Practitioner, Founder and Executive Director of Marina Rose, School of DNA Theta Healing™, says "Theta Healing is the most powerful, potent, profound, and cutting edge healing paradigm on the planet at this time.”
The School holds a divine space for learning and listening, hearing the truths of our healing stories. Marina is committed in the healing transformation of each and every client and student.
Upon completion of DNA Theta Healing Seminars & Workshops students will be certified as a Theta Healing Practitioner and registered with Vianna Stibal's Nature's Path, the founder of Theta Healing.

Green Workshop
Upcoming Workshop:
Stemming the Tide of Toxics and Trash: 8/18 Monday 7:00 - 8:30 pm at Whole Foods Market, 2655 Pacific Coast Highway Torrance, CA 90505
Ingrid Cheng
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Preventive Care
Guess how much a root canal cost without insurance? A lot! Paying for the root canal was a lot more painful than the actual procedure. Thanks to Dr. Joseph G. Huang, D.D.S, there was virtually no pain during and after the series of visits. He also did a great job on my crown!
"The more I learn about how your oral health can affect your overall health, the more of a brushing and flossing fanatic I am. But it wasn’t always that way...Soon I was riddled with cavities—something I’ve regretted ever since, many crowns, root canals, and dollars later. " Julie Bain, Reader's Digest. "Medical research has revealed the dangers of tooth decay and gum disease, including heart disease, low birth weight in babies, dangerous and even deadly infections, diabetes, and now: maybe Alzheimer’s disease".
I want to let everyone know that it is very important to start brushing and flossing your teeth early. If you have kids, start doing it for them when they're 2-3 years old & teach your older kids to do it. My parents didn't teach me, nor did my teachers or dentists when I was a kid. They just told me to brush. I don't even remember being told to floss until I was in high school.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Marketing on a Tiny Budget
Health = Wealth. "LOHAS describes an estimated $209 billion U.S. marketplace for goods and services focused on health, the environment, social justice, personal development and sustainable living. About 19% of adults in the U.S., or 41 million people, 19% of 9,900,000+ in Los Angeles (2006 Census) are currently considered LOHAS Consumers".
We have over 170 members (about 1.7%). There is a lot of room to grow. Join us now for lead generation, networking and referral through our Holistic Health Club. Market to 170+ health-conscious Meetup members and others through my blog. Join as a supporting member for just *$33 a year.
Contact Ingrid at
Friday, August 8, 2008
Olympic Spirit
The symbols of the Spirit are the Olympic torch and the Olympic flame. Lit every four years in ancient Olympia in Greece, for these Beijing Games, the flame has been on an unprecedented intercontinental journey.
China's desire is for people everywhere to feel, live and understand its slogan "One World, One Dream". So the torch has been to places it never had before, highlighting the inclusiveness of the Olympic Games. There are more competing teams in Beijing than there are members of the United Nations. The international relay of the Olympic torch was certainly controversial with protests, etc.
(Join the Olympic Handshake, a campaign through which citizens around the world participate in a global handshake to send a message of friendship and dialogue at the Beijing Olympics at):
Ingrid Cheng
Avaaz member
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Tofu Salads Recipes
Tofu salad with sun-dried tomatoes
1 block of Trader Joe's high protein super firm tofu cubed
4-5 tbsp TJ's sun-dried tomatoes sliced
2 tbsp TJ's sun-dried tomato bruschetta
2 tbsp crushed garlic
dash of garlic salt & pepper
Parsley chopped (optional)
Teriyaki Tofu Salad
1 block of Trader Joe's high protein super firm tofu cubed
2-3 tbsp sesame oil
2-3 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp teriyaki sauce
1 tsp crushed garlic
dash of garlic salt & pepper
1 tsp sesame seeds
1 bunch green onion, chopped
1 tsp flax seeds (optional)
By Ingrid Cheng at are rich in many vitamins and minerals, but are especially high in vitamin C, A and K. They are also rich in lycopene, an antioxidant known to protect against heart disease and many types of cance.
Tofu is a protein and nutrient rich food made from curds of soybean milk. It has the highest quality protein compaired to any other vegetable source. Research shows that soy protein may help to lower bad cholesterol, improve good cholesterol, and improve symptoms of menopause.
Garlic is one of the most powerful anti-cancer foods per the National Cancer Institute. It has also been found to lower bad cholesterol, high blood pressure, boost the immune system, lift mood and have a calming effect.
Flaxseeds: Just 1 or 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed will provide an abundant amount of Omega-3 fatty acids (proven to help reduce inflammation such as arthritis, protect bone health, protect against heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Flaxseeds are also a good source of fiber, magnesium, folate, etc.
Sesame seeds: These seeds provide a very good source of manganese and copper plus other minerals like calcium, iron and magnesium. Sesame seeds also contain phytoesterols which may help lower bad cholesterol.
Analysis by Rhonda Weidelman, , MA, RD.
Free Samples this Saturday
Marc Ryan, the host of Green Health Live TV, a Licensed Acupuncturist in the State of California, a Diplomat of Chinese Herbology, NCCAOM, and a Diplomat of Acupuncture Orthopedics, NBAO is inviting our group to his Center's Grand Opening this Saturday, 8/9.
I'll do a quick cooking demo, give out discounts to our 8/16 Retreat as well as free food samples 1-2:30 pm. For address and details, call 310-831-2202 or RSVP at:
I have 2 tofu recipes: tofu salad with sun-dried tomatoes and teriyaki tofu salad. I'll post my recipes here soon. Join my Holistic Health Meetup or contact me if you don't see them by 8/9/08.
Ingrid Cheng
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

"Yakult is the world’s leading probiotic drink. It was developed in 1935 by a Japanese microbiologist, Dr. Shirota, who aspired to create a healthy product that everyone could afford. Now more than 25 million people throughout the world enjoy Yakult every day. One bottle of Yakult contains more than 8 billion Lactobacillus casei Shirota – the “friendly bacteria” that helps balance your digestive system and support immune functioning".
I grew up drinking Yakult in Hong Kong. The Chinese name for Yakult literally means "more healthy energy" and I do notice that I have more energy after drinking 2 bottles of Yakult a day for a week.
Ingrid Cheng
Holistic Health Club
My Dream
"The U.S. Healthcare system won't be able to adequately support the 78 million baby boomers who will turn 65 in 2011". (National Academy of Sciences). "The number of people will exceed the number of providers. (There is 1 doctor certified in geriatrics for every 2,500 older Americans". Time Magazine, Apr 28, 2008.
"The U.S. Healthcare system is a sickness industry". We are part of "the Wellness Revolution". Instead of treating the symptoms, we address the causes of diseases.
Ingrid Cheng
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Upcoming Projects
I will be doing a Healthy Cooking Show with Rhonda Weidelman, MA, RD on Green Health Live TV. We are seeking Corporate Sponsors for our healthy cooking demo at different events like the 8/16 Holistic Health Retreat and 9/20-21 Yoga Health Fest. We plan to start an online recipe exchange, a series cooking classes that tie in with our cooking show and publish an e-newsletter that promotes health from inside out. Contact Ingrid for details.
Ingrid Cheng
Monday, August 4, 2008
Good News
I am also a member of Step Up Women's Network, Co-op America Green Business Network, Sierra Club, Slow Food L.A. and Ladies Who Launch.
Yakult, USA will sponsor the entire cooking demo on 8/16. Rhonda Weidelman, MA, RD and I plan to start a series of Healthy Cooking Classes soon. I will show you how to balance your chi (energy) with dishes made of mostly local, seasonal produce while Rhonda will tell you how the main ingredients benefit you nutritiously. Come to the Holistic Health Retreat 9-6 pm. Free Cooking Demo 12-1 pm. Space is limited. Pre-pay $10 and RSVP by 8/8/08 at:
Ingrid Cheng grew up drinking Yakult, the world’s leading probiotic drink.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Cooking Demo - Chinese Chicken Salad
1 chicken thigh, boiled and shredded
1 bunch green onions, chop fine
2 tsp. Soy sauce
2 tsp. Teriyaki Sauce
1 tbsp. Sesame oil
Sprinkle of sugar, garlic salt, ground black pepper
1. In one dish, flavor thinly sliced cucumbers with a sprinkle of sugar, garlic salt, ground black pepper. Add 2 tbsp. white vinegar and 1 tbsp. sesame oil and mix.
2. In separate bowl, flavor boiled and shredded chicken thigh with 2 tsp. soy sauce, 2 tsp. Teriyaki Sauce, 1 tsp. sesame oil and a sprinkle of ground black pepper. Mix well.
3. Add 2 to 1. Garnish with flax and sesame seeds, finely chopped green onions and Chinese parsley (optional). For a spicy kick, add a dash of Chili Pepper.
Handful of agar, chopped evenly (about 1.5 inches)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Subscribe to Health + Wellness
Please support my Health + Wellness blog. Simply go to:, scroll down to the bottom, copy & paste this link: in the "enter web address" box and click subscribe!
You can use Feedblitz to follow any blog or web site, even if they don't have FeedBlitz. It's as easy as 1-2-3.
Join me for Sustainable L.A. on Sunday, August 17th, 12 to 10 pm
A day long line up of activities revolving around environmentalism in the urban experience. Path to Freedom Urban Homesteaders will be boothing/tabling and Farmer D will be part of a ‘Slow Food’ panel discussion.
WHERE: Grand Avenue & California Plaza – Bunker Hill, Downtown L.A. Free
Buy Local, Eat Slow: A New Way of Thinking About Food 2:30 – 3:30 pm
Moderator: Russ Parsons, food columnist for the Los Angeles Times, and the author of How to Pick a Peach: The Search for Flavor from Farm to Table.
Jules Dervaes – founder, Path to Freedom, owner of Dervaes Gardens, which grows and sells fresh organic produce to local restaurants and caterers. Gypsy Gifford – Executive Chef, Cafe Pinot. Lisa Lucas – Vice President, Los Angeles chapter, Slow Food Nation. Amelia Saltsman – television host/producer of “Fresh from the Farmer’s Market.” For more information: Downtown Film Festival – L.A.(213) 221-7685
Rhonda Weidelman, MA, RD and I will be doing a Healthy Cooking Show on Green Health Live T.V. using mostly local, seasonal produce.
Ingrid Cheng, Holistic Health Club (Slow Food L.A. member)
Friday, August 1, 2008
Showing Up
Tips from the Wellness Panel:
Dr. Susan Smalley, Dir. Mindful Awareness Research Center: Download a free 5-min meditation from
From Dr. Hyla Cass: Get 8 hours of sleep, keep healthy snacks with you in the car and in your purse and always make a choice to move your body.
From Jeesin Lui: Repeatedly press and release the meaty part between your thumb and forefinger to ease pain, stress, menstrual cramps and anxiety.
The PACE's reception and awards ceremony followed by dinner also inspired me to take my business to the next level. I networked with so many women entrepreneurs, got so many business cards and 2 key contacts that I'm definitely going back next year.
Ingrid Cheng