Sunday, September 28, 2008
Positive Visualization
1) Several times a day, say out loud and think to yourself "President Obama" and when you do - imagine it being true, right now, and feeling all the great feelings that go with such a powerful, positive thought.
2) Please forward this to friends and spread the word.
Bush and Republicans operate from a basis of fear. Bush plunged the U.S. into an endless war with Iraq based on fear of non-existant weapons of mass destruction. Then, he denied that there was anything wrong with our economy just 5 months ago. Now, Bush wants us to be so fearful about a recession that we'll let him pull a $700 billion con-job on us, but when we focus on the negative things, we give power to them. Let's say and think 'President Obama' and experience the pleasure that this brings.
There is power in our intention! Saying what we wish to empower aligns us with what we want. Saying and imagining 'President Obama' is more likely to inspire actions that will create this wonderful outcome. When we're feeling good, instead of afraid, resigned or helpless, we will get a lot more done. Practice this to support you in feeling good and more resourceful.
From Celeste and Ingrid
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Ways to Reduce Risk of Cancer
1. Reduce or stop consumption of alcohol.
A recent study shows that just 1-2 alcoholic drinks per day may increase your risk of breast tumors by 32%. 3 or more drinks daily ups the odds by 51%.
2. Stop eating junk food.
Research shows that women with the highest levels of transfats have about twice the risk of breast cancer as those with the lowest levels. So, eat more fresh vegetables, produce and fruits.
3. Exercise*
I strongly believe that exercise is the best prevention of weight gain and essential to maintaining a healthy body, plus it's proven to improve your moods.
Source: Hope, Help and Lifesaving News by Gail O'Connor (modified by Ingrid Cheng)
Friday, September 26, 2008
We Want a Green Economy
Let the Presidential candidates know: We Want a Green Economy
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Digital Women
Ingrid Cheng
Founder of Holistic Health Club
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Organic Food Discount Club
Just click the link below or copy and paste this URL into your browser window:
Ingrid Cheng
Founding Member The Green PolkaDot Box
Friday, September 19, 2008
What Does Green Jobs Mean?
Join us for the Green Jobs Now Rally on Saturday, 9/27 at the Federal Building on 11000 Wilshire Blvd, at corner of Wilshire and Veteran (a high traffic area).
Free Parking at the Federal Building lot. Carpool, take the bus, ride your bike.
Sponsors for Healthy Cook
Ingrid Cheng
Healthy Cook

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Healthy Social Networking
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Healthy Cooking + Recipes
Chinese Green Beans with Shitake Mushrooms and Black Bean Sauce
2 Tbsp canola oil
1 lb Green Beans, trimmed
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp sugar
1-2 Tbsp Black bean sauce
2 Shitake mushrooms
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp soy sauce
1 c rice (optional)
1. Rinse the beans and pat them dry with paper towels. Trim off ends, cut in halves if needed. Place in a large bowl.
2. Soak mushroom in a bowl of hot water, gently squeeze dry, flavor with sesame oil and soy sauce. Cut into slices.
3. Coat a 10" no-stick skillet with oil, place over high heat and add garlic. Then add beans and mushrooms, stir and cook for about 3 minutes.
4. Add Black bean sauce and sugar. Stir and cook for 1-2 minutes, or until the beans begin to sear.
5. Cook rice in rice cooker and serve with beans.
Udon noodles with Teriyaki Chicken, Mushroom and Veggies
2 pkgs of udon noodles from Japanese grocery store
1 can of chicken broth or vegetable broth
1 chicken thigh (broiled and de-skinned)
2 Shitake mushrooms
2-3 baby Bok Choy or other vegetables
1 tsp miso sauce
1. Marinate chicken thigh in miso sauce and crushed garlic. Broil chicken thigh with skin on for 20-25 min. De-skin and cut into slices, removing any excess fat. (Use baked Teriyaki Tofu for vegan option)
2. Pour chicken or vegetable broth into pan, add about 1 can of water. Bring to boil.
3. Put udon noodles into pan and cook for 5 min. Stir until noodles separate.
4. Put shitake mushrooms, veggies in and cook 1 min more.
5. Serve in 2 bowls, add chicken on top, add a dash of Teriyaki sauce onto chicken.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sales and Marketing Tips
Ingrid Cheng
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I Love to Create New Recipes
Friday, September 12, 2008
Yakult Smoothie
Healthier option: 2 c non-fat plain yogurt, 1 c of ice or 3-4 ice cubes, 3 bottles Yakult and 9 strawberries in a blender. 1 c non-fat plain yogurt has 110 cal, 10 g protein & 0 g of fat.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Blog For Change
Roots of Change: dedicated to social change through better relationships.
Roots of Change (ROC) is a collaborative of diverse leaders and institutions unified in common pursuit of achieving a sustainable food system in California by 2030.
Changemakers Menu:
1. Sign the Declaration for Healthy Food and Agriculture at
2. Become a Locavore, buy more sustainable food (local, seasonal, organic).
3. Ask your school district to make food part of the curriculum.
4. Join a local group seeking healthy food and agriculture at
5. Make friends with your food producers at the local Farmers Markets.
6. Read a book like "Stuffed and Starved" by Raj Patel or go to
Join Holistic Health Club, Eco-Local Solutions Meetup or Food As Medicine Meetup.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
New Dream Team Meeting
Our new Dream Team core group includes:
Kristine Castro, Life Coach; Jeanne Kuntz, Wellness Coach; Kim Selbert, Laughter Yoga and me. Dare to dream big. Our conference call will be on 9/15 at 4 pm. For more information, contact any of us through the Holistic Health Club website below. Our actual meeting will be on 9/29.
Monday, September 8, 2008
September is Yoga Month
The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion deemed September National Yoga Month and has listed it at:
Come to the Yoga Month Orientation this Saturday, 9/13 at 3 pm. Venice, CA 90291. RSVP at
Topics that will be covered are:
1) Postcard/Poster distribution. This is the final push to get the word out about the festival. You will also be given Yoga Month t-shirts.
2) Shift sign-up for the festival at LMU on September 20-21. We want to make sure you have plenty of time to enjoy the festival, concert and Global Mala once your shift is over.
3) Yoga Month Awards - two awards will be presented at the Los Angeles festival: Outstanding Yoga Instructor of the Year and Outstanding Yoga Studio of the Year. We will discuss how to spread the word about these awards to studios and teachers throughout LA. To find out more about the awards or to submit a nomination, please visit
Please help by: 1) Contacting youth organizations in the area and tell them about Yoga Month and the festival at LMU. A Kids Zone featuring mini yoga sessions, arts enrichment classes, and jumpers will be open to kids. Free passes will be available for all youth.
2) Blogging, post the festival in community calendar sections, alert media to the event, send out email blasts to your friends, and utilize any other method you have available to bring people to the festival.
3) If you are an instructor, get your students on board to attend the festival. Group discount passes are available for teams of 10 or more.
I support Yoga Month & my Associate ID is 4184. Holistic Health Club will have a booth at Yoga Month's Health Fest 9/20-9/21.
Ingrid Cheng
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Invest in Your Health
If you had all the money in the world and do not have health, you would spend most of all that money to be healthy again. Life's too short to be just about making money. Often, we get caught up in the rat race and forget to take care of ourselves. Most diseases are caused by bad diet and inactivity. That means we can prevent diseases by eating a balanced diet and exercising.
1. Eat a healthy breakfast of organic whole grain cereal with kefir or yogurt. Add some sliced bananas or strawberries. (3 is the minimum # of food groups you should eat to boost your brain health.)
2. Walking as often as possible. Invest in a pedometer, clip it to your sneakers, then walk for at least 30 minutes a day if you don't like going to the gym or doing other exercises. I've walked more than 5,000 steps in one day.
Ingrid Cheng
Friday, September 5, 2008
Lung Cancer is the #1 Killer
Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers. In 2007, lung cancer will account for approximately 15% of all cancer diagnoses and 29% of all cancer deaths. It is the # 1 killer in both men and women each year. An estimated 89,510 men and 70,880 women will die of lung cancer. Cigarette smoking is the # 1 cause of lung cancer, but exposure to asbestos, radon, environmental factors, or secondhand smoke can also cause lung cancer. Though lung cancer is the deadliest cancer, it does not receive as much attention, both in funding and in public awareness as breast and other types of cancer.
For more information, go to: Lung Cancer Alliance, National Lung Cancer Partnership
Support Stand Up To Cancer: My grandfather was a smoker and had lung cancer.
Ingrid Cheng
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Stand Up To Cancer
I want to spread the word about alternative, holistic, preventive health care to all that doesn't cost any money. People just need to get informed and make some changes to their diet and exercise habits. Watch "Stand Up To Cancer" on ABC, CBS & NBC tomorrow night.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Lifestyles of Health & Sustainability
LOHAS is an acronym for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability, a market segment focused on health and fitness, the environment, personal development, sustainable living, and social justice. 385 companies are listed under the LOHAS Health Care directory. LOHAS describes an estimated $209 billion U.S. marketplace for goods and services focused on health, the environment, social justice, personal development and sustainable living. About 19% of adults in the U.S., or 41 million people.
By my estimate, 19% of 9.9 million in Los Angeles (2006 Census) are currently considered LOHAS Consumers. There is a lot of room to grow. Join us now for lead generation, networking and referral through our Holistic Health Club. Market to 170+ health-conscious Meetup members and others through my referral service and blog.
Ingrid Cheng