Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Why is there Traffic?

"Why is there traffic? The answer: abundant land in the early 1900s, the freedom autos afford, historically cheap gas, zoning efforts that segregated housing from commercial and industrial areas, lack of coordinated planning, lack of investment in mass transit. If we lived at work, we'd be home by now". Steve Hymon, L.A. Times.

What about weekend traffic? If everyone go carless just 1 day a week, think of how much gas we'd save as a whole, how there'll be less traffic & pollution. I went car-free the whole weekend. It was a good feeling, not being dependent on my car. My dream is to be able to work from home full-time so I don't have to commute. I submitted Holistic Health Club's idea for a chance to win $10,000. Please vote for my idea at: http://ideablob.com/ideas/2752-Holistic-Health-Club

Ingrid, Holistic Health Club http://www.holistichealthco-op.org/

1 comment:

fatfighter said...

I go car-less whenever I can - I'm lucky now to live in an area where I can walk to places like the grocery store, post office, hair salon... It does make you feel good to not be dependent on your car, especially with the gas prices - it just makes me mad to drive. ;)